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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao's Comment on the UN Security Council's Resolution on the Iranian Nuclear Issue

2006-12-24 00:00

On December 24 Beijing time, the UN Securtiy Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1737 on the Iranian nuclear issue. China voted for it.

China, loathing to see any new turbulence in the Middle-East, consistently supports safeguarding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, opposes the proliferation of nuclear weapons and adheres to making political and diplomatic efforts to peacefully settle the Iranian nuclear issue through negotiations.

We hope the resolution can be earnestly implemented. Meanwhile we think sanction is not the goal, nor can it resolve the issue fundamentally. China calls on all relevant parties to continue full-round of diplomatic efforts, promote an early resumption of negotiations and seek a long-term and comprehensive solutions. China will continue to play a constructive role.

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